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Using Capitalisation

Q.When do I capitalise the next word after a colon?
A. That depends on why you're using the colon:
  • If the colon is used in a sentence, lowercase the first letter after the colon, unless it is a proper name.
  • If you're using a colon to introduce a quote or an extract, capitalise the first letter after the colon.

  • It was announced yesterday: the election is in March.
  • It was announced yesterday: Athens won the next Olympic Games.
  • She read aloud: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

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Q.When do I capitalise the names of departments and organisations?
A. Capitalise the name only when you're quoting the exact name. A good rule of thumb is to use the name shown in the telephone book, or do a registered name search for organisations from the Australian Securities Investment Commission site.


  • For more information, contact the language department.
  • For more information, contact the Department of Language.
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