Checking for Errors in Web Writing
Grammatical mistakes, misspellings, and typing errors can jar and annoy readers.
Once you're finished writing, put the piece aside for a day or so. Then read it aloud to force yourself to read the content word-for-word instead of skimming.
Don't ever publish something without reading it aloud - this is where you'll pick up the majority of grammatical mistakes and twisted tenses.
Errors of Fact
Be very careful to find factual errors. Don't take any fact for granted. If a subject matter expert has quoted a specific reference, make sure it's the right one - make sure it actually exists.
Hitting one key incorrectly can result in an error that doesn't just affect the credibility of one page, but the credibility of the entire site.
Always check the correct names of forms and publications - especially legislation and standards. Unwieldy titles are often referred to by a slang or diminutive title in-house, and can be called different names in different departments. Make sure that internal title doesn't appear on the Web.
The same applies to the titles of departments and programs.
Back to Work provides…
... is fine for internal communication, but make sure that translates to:
The Get Back to Work Program provides…
... when writing for the Web.
Dates and Time Frames in Web Writing Structuring Web Content